Kicking Ass
"I don't sit around talking to experts because this is a college seminar,"
"We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick."
- President Obama
AP Photo/Charlie Riedel, East Grand Terre Island, LA, 6/3/10
Bird covered in oil
You can start by signing a petition to end America's dependence on oil here. Carry an aluminum water bottle so you use less plastic already. Stop taking so many napkins with your to-go lunch, people in Chicago, I see you! Those come from trees! Do you really need 7 napkins? Are you really that big of a slob? Then maybe you should get a bib! If I fly into a rage at your napkin use, people who eat lunch at the (thankfully somewhat eco-friendly) Chase cafeteria, I'm just helping President Obama to kick ass. Let's change our ways and invent new solutions. I'm tired of hauling my recycling home from the office.
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